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Design Pattern : Adapter

Adapter design pattern

Adapter design pattern

Adapter design pattern is usually used when we want to use a method from a third party tool, but the method takes an interface A as an input. We want the method to work with our interface B. So to use that method, we convert our interface B to the required interface (interface A) using an adapter class. An example will make this more clear.

Now we have a class PrintHumanName which has a method Print that we want to use. Now this method print uses IHuman interface as an input parameter.

This method can be used, if the input parameter is a class that implements IHuman interface as below:

But we want to use a class that implements IAnimal interface as an input parameter. So, we write the code as below, but this does not work.

So to be able to use a class that implements IAnimal interface, we create an adapter class as below:

Now we can use a class implementing IAnimal interface as the input.

This will give the output as below:

The whole code can be viewed as below:

namespace AdapterDesignPattern
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //Human john = new Human("Smith", "John");

            Animal tommy = new Animal("Tommy");

            PrintHumanName.Print(new AnimalToHumanAdapter(tommy));
    static class PrintHumanName
        public static void Print(IHuman human)
            Console.WriteLine(human.FName + '-' + human.LName);
    public interface IHuman
        //string Name { get; set; }
        string FName { get; set; }
        string LName { get; set; }

    public class Human : IHuman
        public Human(string Lname, string Fname)
            LName = Lname;
            FName = Fname;

        public string FName { get; set; }
        public string LName { get; set; }

    public interface IAnimal
        string AnimalName { get; set; }

    public class Animal : IAnimal
        public string AnimalName { get; set; }

        public Animal(string aName)
            AnimalName = aName;


    public class AnimalToHumanAdapter : IHuman
        private readonly IAnimal animal;

        public AnimalToHumanAdapter(IAnimal animal)
            this.animal = animal;

        public string FName {
            get { return animal.AnimalName; }
            set { animal.AnimalName = value; }

        public string LName {
            get { return "No last name"; }
            set { animal.AnimalName = "No last name"; }


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