Kafka Certification

Kafka Certification One Shot

Ankit Verma
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Kafka Introduction

Confluent Kafka certification is one the certification which you can brag about. Kafka is gaining momentum in the tech world as Kafka is a highly scalable distributed and configurable system. It had been developed by LinkedIn and later incubated to apache.

Please do not waste time for searching dumps as it will not be useful.

References : https://kafka.apache.org

Exam structure : https://www.confluent.io/certification

                  DomainExam percentage
Application Design40%

Exam will consist of 60 multiple choice questions. Time limit is 90 Minutes. 

Study Pattern

I have covered my study from three major sites

  1. Udemy CCDAK practice test. https://www.udemy.com/course/confluent-certified-developer-for-apache-kafka
  2. Linux Academy or A cloud Guru https://acloud.guru/learn/c13b61a8-1f28-446f-81d4-188420ad62c0
  3. Apache cookbook https://www.packtpub.com/product/apache-kafka-cookbook/9781785882449
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I have downloaded confluent kafka. Set up a single node cluster and try to run various commands like creating a topic , creating consumers, producers. It was very helpful in remembering various shell commands. Various types of windowing strategy available like Hopping, Tumbling Session and Sliding. Stateless and stateful transformations are must.

finally just to say All the best. Keep learning 🙂

Credentials : https://www.credential.net/1b95b5b1-9a3e-46b4-b876-747e4706f096#gs.jjpqvj

Let me know if you need any further help I can be reached at vermaankit84@gmail.com